If your business is operating under a Doing-Business-As (DBA) name, you will need to contact our Customer Experience team to have it applied to your account so you can receive payments under your DBA.
Please note: payments, such as check deposits, made out to your DBA name will be returned unless your DBA has been added to your account. If you're not sure whether a DBA has been added to your account, our Customer Experience team will be able to confirm that for you and assist further.
What do I need to provide to have my DBA added?
To have a DBA added to your Relay account, we will require supporting documentation that verifies your DBA name. This documentation is provided by your state's Secretary of State.
If you do not have a DBA document on hand, your Secretary of State can provide one upon request. Please see our Secretary of State business entity search article to get started!
Why should I add my DBA to my account?
If you're expecting to receive payments made out to your business's DBA name, adding your DBA to Relay will be necessary.
Payments will only be accepted into your Relay account if the payment is made out to your business name, the name of a beneficial owner on file, or your DBA name (if applicable).
Payments made out to any other name(s) not associated with your Relay account will be returned for your account security.
What if I have multiple DBAs?
Not to worry! As long as you have supporting documentation for these DBAs, we can have them all applied to your account so you don't run into any problems with receiving payments.
How do I view my DBA on my account?
You can see the added DBA on your account by going to Settings>Business Info!