If you've sent a check payment via the Relay dashboard, you can cancel it at any time up until it's been successfully deposited by the recipient. Read on for instructions.
How to cancel a check payment (Web)
- Sign in to your Relay account.
- Navigate to your Home page, or click on the checking account that the check was sent from (nested under the Accounts tab).
- Locate and select the check payment you wish to cancel.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the transaction details panel, then click Cancel Check.
- Confirm the cancellation by selecting Yes.
- The transaction status will be updated to Returned and will appear as a new transaction line at the top of your transaction list.
How to cancel a check payment (Relay Mobile App)
- Sign in to the Relay app on your mobile device.
- Navigate to your Home page, or tap on the checking account that the check was sent from (nested under the Accounts tab).
- Locate and select the check payment you wish to cancel.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the transaction details panel, then click Cancel Transaction.
- Confirm cancellation by selecting Yes.
- The transaction status will be updated to Returned and will appear as a new transaction line at the top of your transaction list.
Who can cancel a check payment?
Team members with Administrator and Bill Payer level permissions, and advisors with Administrator and Super Administrator level permissions can cancel an outgoing check payment.
When can I cancel a check payment?
Check payments can be cancelled while they are in progress. Once a check has settled (been deposited by the recipient), it can no longer be cancelled.
Can I cancel a check deposit?
We do not currently support cancelling a check deposit within Relay. Please reach out to our Customer Experience team if you need assistance with a check deposit.