Understanding your available balance, running balance, and pending transactions

Financial clarity is essential to any small business. That clarity starts with knowing how much money you have available to spend, and how much is tied up in pending transactions. At Relay, we’ve made it easy to differentiate the two. 

You can see your available balance, running balance, and pending transactions in two different places within your Relay account:

  • Your Home page, which will display your available balance, running balance, and pending transactions across all checking and savings accounts.
  • Within each individual checking/savings account, nested under the Accounts tab, which will display your available balance, running balance, and pending transactions for that specific account.

Available balance

Your available balance reflects exactly how much money is safe to spend. The available balance excludes outgoing mailed checks, pending outgoing ACH and wire transfers, and debit card transactions that are still processing.

Total balance

This balance includes any balance held up in pending transactions. It will not include pending check deposits and ACH add funds.

Running balance

In your transaction list, you can now see the running balance after each settled transaction. This running balance reflects the balance of your account after that specific transaction has settled. The running balance will not be shown for any pending transactions. 

Viewing pending and settled transactions

We’ve made it easy for you to see exactly how many pending transactions you have. When viewing your transactions, click the down arrow next to Pending transactions to view all pending transactions. You can also see what the total amount of all these transactions is. 

Transactions listed here will include pending outgoing check payments, ACH and wire transfers in progress, and debit card purchases that are still processing. The date listed for these transactions will be the date the transaction was created.

Below the list of pending transactions, customers will see all their settled transactions. This will include incoming ACHs and wires, settled card transactions, and settled checks. The date listed for settled transactions will reflect the date the transaction settled.

Does my total balance include pending check deposits and ACH Add Funds transactions?

No, pending check deposits and ACH Add Funds transactions (from linked external accounts) are not included in your total balance. The balance for these transactions will be reflected in your total and available balance when the transactions have settled. 

Will pre-authorization holds on my debit card be reflected in my available balance?

Yes, pre-authorization holds will be reflected in your available balance. Once the hold is released, the balance will be updated accordingly.

What should I do if my available balance or running balance is incorrect?

Please contact our Customer Experience team if you have concerns about the accuracy of your available or running balance.

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