On February 6th, 2024, Relay announced a new and improved Partner Program for accountants and bookkeepers – one that invests in you as much as you invest in Relay when you onboard a client to our platform. With our new Partner Program, you can earn meaningful cash rewards as an advisor, more partner perks, an Advisor Directory to help you find more clients who already bank with Relay, and sponsorship opportunities through our Ambassador Program – all geared towards accelerating your firm’s growth and longevity. Learn more about our Partner Program here.

Who is eligible to apply for sponsorship?

Only Relay Silver-tier Partners and above are eligible to apply for Ambassador sponsorship. If you are unclear about which tier you are in, please refer to our tiering guide here or reach out to your Account Manager.

How can I apply for Ambassador sponsorship?

To apply for Ambassador sponsorship, you can fill out an application form here. Please note that, due to the high amount of requests, we will only reach out if your event is a good match for our program. 

What types of events are you looking to sponsor?

We are looking to reach new audiences who are open to finding new technology solutions! Events could look like online webinars, in-person conferences, seminars, workshops, etc. 

However, it is important to keep in mind that you will be required to submit a list of attendees once the event is over as part of the post-event reporting process. If this isn’t possible, your event might not be the right fit.

How long does it take for my application to be reviewed?

We will review applications on a rolling 30-day basis. Please note that, due to the high amount of requests, we will only reach out if your event is a good match for our program.

What can my presentation be about?

You will have creative control over your presentation and topic. Your presentation does not need to be centred around Relay or banking; however, we will ask for a session description, learning objectives, and more about how you plan to incorporate Relay to make sure the presentation aligns with the goals of the sponsorship.

How much are the Ambassador sponsorships?

Sponsorship amounts will vary and will be provided based on the merit of your application and the potential impact of the event on the local business community/audience.

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