At the end of your 30-day billing cycle, the auto-payment for your credit card will be pulled from your primary payment account. You can change this account at any time by following the instructions below.  

Important: The Relay Visa® Credit Card is available only to customers who successfully meet our eligibility check and fulfill the required criteria. For more information on eligibility, please see An Overview of the Relay Visa® Credit Card.

What is a primary and backup payment account?

You will select your primary and backup payment accounts during the Relay Visa® Credit Card application process. Relay will automatically pull your credit card payments from these accounts at the end of your 30-day billing cycle. 

Your primary payment account must be a Relay checking account. Your backup payment account can be a Relay checking or savings account.

The primary payment account is the account we will attempt to pull your credit card payment from first. It is also the account that your cash back will be deposited into if you meet the minimum spending requirement.

If your primary payment account does not have sufficient funds to pay your balance in full, we will transfer the remaining balance from the backup payment account. A backup payment account is not required but is recommended to avoid late fees and penalties.

How to change your primary and backup payment accounts

Web Mobile
  1. Sign in to your Relay account.
  2. Navigate to the Accounts tab.
  3. Navigate to your credit account.
  4. Click the three vertical dots in the top-right corner of your screen.
  5. Click Manage auto-payment.
  6. Select your desired primary/backup accounts from the drop-down menu.
  7. Click Save.

Can I select a linked external account as my primary or backup payment account?

No, the primary and backup accounts must be Relay accounts.

If I want to pay my balance early, do I have to pay from my primary or backup account?

No, when you pay your Relay Visa® Credit Card balance early you can pay from any Relay account or linked external account.

Please note that paying your balance from a linked external account can take up to 3 business days to complete.

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