Downloading and emailing bank statements

This article will walk through how to view, download, and email bank statements on Relay.

How to download bank statements

Web Mobile
  1. Sign in to your Relay account. 
  2. Navigate to the Accounts tab, then select Statements from the drop-down menu.
  3. Choose the month(s)/year(s) that you need your statement(s) for. More than one statement can be downloaded at a time.
  4. Once selected, click Export > Download statements. 
  5. Select your desired file type (PDFCSV, or OFX).
  6. Select the checking or savings account(s) you want to export from. 
  7. Click Done to download. Your statements will be saved to your computer's Downloads folder.

How to email bank statements

Please note: statements cannot be emailed from the Relay mobile app at this time.

  1. Sign in to your Relay account on your desktop. 
  2. Navigate to the Accounts tab, then select Statements from the drop-down menu.
  3. Choose the month(s)/year(s) that you need your statement(s) for. More than one statement can be emailed at a time.
  4. Once selected, click Export > Email statements. 
  5. Enter the email address you want your statements sent to.
  6. Select your desired file type (PDFCSV, or OFX).
  7. Select the checking or savings account(s) you want to export from. 
  8. Click Done.

Exporting statements through integrations

Emailing statements is a seamless way to export statements to a cloud accounting storage solution like Hubdoc or Receipt Bank. For instructions on how to set this up, please see Exporting your account statements to Hubdoc, Receipt Bank, and more!

Unless you email statements to Hubdoc or Receipt Bank directly, the recipient will receive a link to download the emailed statements. For security purposes, the link will expire within 4 hours of being sent.

I need a bank statement with my full account number on it. Can Relay provide this?

Bank statements will not display your full account number, and there is no way for Relay to provide these at this time.

If you require a document with your full account number, you will instead need to download a bank verification letter. For instructions on how to download this document, please see Downloading a bank verification letter (void check or direct deposit form).

If a third party requires bank statements with your full account number present, we may recommend providing a Relay bank statement in conjunction with a bank verification letter.

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