This article will walk through the process of updating your U.S. mailing address on Relay. Please note that your mailing address can only be updated via desktop, as this ability is not currently supported on the Relay mobile app.

How to edit your mailing address

  1. Sign in to your Relay account on your desktop.
  2. Navigate to the Settings tab.
  3. Under Profile, scroll down to the Mailing address fields, and enter your desired U.S. mailing address.
  4. Scroll down and click Save

Mail sent by Relay

The only mail that Relay will ever send is any physical cards that you order within your account. Your monthly statements are completely digital and accessible from within your account when you're logged in. Any newsletters, product announcements, or other updates/notifications regarding your account will always be sent via email.

Default mailing address

Your mailing address defaults to your business address unless an alternative mailing address is set up during registration, or edited in your Settings by following the above instructions.

Updating your business/billing address

If your business/billing address needs to be updated, you can do this in your account settings. For step-by-step instructions on this, please see Updating your business and billing address.

Shipping limitations

Only U.S. mailing addresses are supported at this time, as Relay is currently unable to ship physical cards internationally.

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