All Relay accounts have limits on how much you can send and receive into your account per day and month. This article will walk through how you can view your transaction limits so you have full visibility into your banking capabilities.

How to view your transaction limits

Web Mobile
    1. Sign in to your Relay account.
    2. Navigate to the Accounts tab, then select Manage accounts from the drop-down menu.
    3. Click Transaction Limits.
    4. All transaction limits for your account will be listed here. You will also be able to see how much of your daily/monthly limits have been used up, and how much remains available for use, per transaction type.

Card-specific limits

In addition to the limits on your account, you can set card-specific limits for each of your Relay debit cards to control card spend. For more information on how to view and edit your card limits, please see Editing your Relay card.

Please note: when using your Relay debit card to make a contactless payment, the maximum permitted amount is determined by the merchant and country where the purchase is being made. Most merchants set this limit to $100 per transaction, however, it is best to confirm with the merchant prior to payment.

Your card-specific limits cannot exceed your account-level limits for card spend. For example, if your account-level limit for daily card payments is $5000, you cannot set a spending limit of $7000 on one of your debit cards.

My limits are too low. What can I do?

Transaction limits are set individually for each customer when an account is opened for compliance reasons. Limits can be reviewed at any time to help accommodate your growing business.

If you wish to request a transaction limit increase request, please see Requesting a transaction limit increase for step-by-step instructions.

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