Your Relay Visa® Credit Card balance will be automatically paid from your primary payment account at the end of your 30-day billing cycle. However, if you would like to make a payment early to pay all or part of your balance, read on to learn how. 

Important: The Relay Visa® Credit Card is available only to customers who successfully meet our eligibility check and fulfill the required criteria. For more information on eligibility, please see An Overview of the Relay Visa® Credit Card.

Understanding your billing cycle

The Relay Visa® Credit Card comes with a 30-day billing cycle. Your credit card balance must be paid, in full, at the end of each billing cycle. Your billing cycles start and end dates cannot be changed.

At any point during your billing cycle, you can pay off all, or a portion of, your credit card balance to free up your credit limit. Payment can be made from any of your Relay checking accounts, or a linked external account. 

Please note: payments from a linked external account can take up to 3 business days to settle. Payments from a Relay checking account will settle instantly

How auto-payments work

At the end of each billing cycle, we will automatically pull the credit card balance from your primary account. If your primary payment account has insufficient funds to cover the total balance, we will transfer the required balance from your backup account to your primary account before processing your auto-payment. 

You can change your primary or backup payment accounts at any time by following the instructions here: Changing your primary or backup payment account.

How to make a manual credit card payment

Web Mobile
  1. Sign in to your Relay account.
  2. Navigate to the Accounts tab.
  3. Navigate to your credit account.
  4. Click Make payment at the top-right corner of your screen.
  5. Select the account to make the payment from.
  6. Enter the amount you would like to pay. 
  7. Click Review payment.
  8. Click Confirm payment
  9. When the payment settles, your balance will be updated to reflect the amount paid.

Do I have to pay my credit card from my primary or backup account?

If you are paying your balance early, you do not need to make the payment from your primary or backup account. You can use any Relay checking account or a linked external account you’d like.

Please note: auto-payments at the end of your billing cycle will only be pulled from your primary account, and cannot be pulled from an external account.

Does paying my balance early impact my credit score?

No, paying your balance early has no impact on your credit score.

How long does it take for my payment to process?

Early payments and auto-payments from a Relay checking account are immediately applied to your credit account. Your current balance will automatically update to reflect the paid amount. If you manually pay your credit card from a linked external account, it may take up to 3 business days for the payment to settle.

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