Sending an international wire through the Local Network

Relay is introducing the Local Network for international wires, launched on January 31, 2025. This new option provides a cost-effective alternative to the Swift Network for specific currencies, offering lower fees while maintaining fast delivery times.

With your Relay checking account, you can send international wire payments to a payee. To send an international wire, you must first add a payee for the individual or business you are looking to pay. Please ensure that the payee's recipient address is a valid physical address and not a PO Box. The information required for payees on the local network is different by country/currency. For each country's requirements please see:

Important Notes

  • The ability to send international wires in non-USD currencies is not currently supported on the Relay mobile app. So, you will use a web browser to access the Local Network.  
  • Converting payments into a non-USD currency is only available Monday to Friday from 7 AM to 6 PM EST. However, you can still send international wires in USD outside of this timeframe.
  • For instructions on how to receive an international wire into your Relay account, see Receiving an international wire.
  Local Network
Cost per Wire $5 per international wire, or $0 for Relay Pro subscribers

Sender Display

What will the recipient’s bank see displayed as the sender?

For EUR and GBP payments, the ultimate sender is visible to the recipient’s bank.

For all other currencies, the ultimate sender is not visible and will be shown as either “The Currencycloud LTD” or one of our banking partners. 
Payment Network

SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT)

SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst.)

GBP Faster Payments Service (FPS)
CAD Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
AUD Direct Entry 
Payment Cutoff Times for Same Day Processing
  • All times are displaced in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), which is the same as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
  • All times are guidelines only, not guarantees 
  • Note: the payment cutoff times are independent of the FX conversion cutoff times
EUR 2pm UTC for SCT
24 hour processing for SCT Inst.
GBP 24 hour a day processing
AUD 1:30pm UTC
Maximum Payment Amount
Note: Your Relay account may have additional transaction limits in addition to the wire transfer limits mentioned below. Learn how to view your account limits.
EUR £100,000 SCT
No limit for SCT Inst.

Check with your beneficiary's receiving institution to determine if they are part of SCT or SCT Inst.
GBP £1,000,000
CAD $200,000 CAD
AUD No Limit


How to send an international wire through the Local Network

  1. Sign in to your Relay account.
  2. Navigate to the Payments tab.
  3. Click New Payment at the top-right corner of your screen.
  4. Select a recipient from the list of payees shown or add a new payee.
    • Ensure the recipient address is a valid physical address (not a PO Box).
  5. Select International Wire (Local Network) as the payment method.
  6. Select the source account for the payment.
  7. Enter the payment amount and currency2.
  8. Customize the payment with the desired frequency, payment date, and memo3.
  9. Confirm all required fields have been filled out, then click Next.
  10. Confirm the payment details, then click Initiate Payment

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